Tuesday, January 26, 2010

World's top public university...?

UC Berkeley -- nice but not that nice

It's been a while since I've written, to put it mildly. But really, who can blame me, when my spring semester at Berkeley started out like this:
1) I did not find out where I would be living until the THURSDAY before school starts. I had multiple nervous breakdowns, and, in the end, choked up more than necessary amounts of money to secure my single room that is located on a veritable MOUNTAIN. The view is great, but I do not particularly enjoy hiking on a daily basis, with six textbooks in tow.
2) After driving here to move in, I was initially turned away saying they "did not have my key." Hmm how about NO. After multiple phone calls they finally located my key, which had been stuck on the card of someone else with the same last name as me. I then find my door, which has my NAME stuck on it.
3) I did not get into chem, and that is not OK. I was 43rd on the waitlist, but out of 500 available seats, only 240 were enrolled. Which means there were 260 open seats. Which means I should have gotten in. Alas, things are not that simple, and we can't afford to open up more lab sessions. I'm going to go cry now, and shortly thereafter review my dwindling bank account, which is now short $200 of chem books and lab material.

4) Weather. Sucks. Like rain horizontal every day, even worse than Paris. Have only worn one pair of shoes since school started, namely, rainboots. California, hello?

Will post about the good things later.

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